differences are predicated on the sexual differences. Thus human society has taken the position, so well stated by Freud in his famous dic- tum, in regard to women that "sex is destiny." Although he coined the phrase, he didn't invent the concept since the physical differences and the physiological differences between males and females which led to their different roles in rearing the young and in surviving, namely the female in the bearer-nurturer role and the male in the protector- provider role, and constructed on these reproductive-survival roles the whole complex of behaviours that we today recognize as genders.
In another area, the human mind had the capability of figuring things out and initiating events that were calculated to bring pleasure (or the avoidance of pain). Having this capacity for questioning the past, considering the present and extrapolating into the future, man- kind long ago applied these talents to sexual interactions and in the process discovered homosexuality. Some of you will protest from your reading that animals are homosexual, too, but I think that if you read any of your sources more closely you will find that while males sometimes mount other males and females other females, there is no clear pattern of males actually inserting penis into anus in what is the essence of a homosexual experience. Mounting and thrusting in addition to being parts of the sex behaviour, are also one of the few ways that animals can communicate. Sex is, after all, a language of sorts, so that animals use behaviour patterns seen in the sexual inter- action as social communications in non-sexual situations. Thus domi- nant males require submissive males to acknowledge their inferior position by adopting the female sexual stance and allowing the domi- nant male to mount them and make a few tentative pelvic thrusts. This satisfies the dominant one that the other acknowledges his superiority and that's the end of it.
But humans do actually choose same sex partners and go through complete sexual stimulation to orgasm.
So we see then three different kinds of human variability whereas in animals there is in effect only one, that of sex itself. In humans, in ad- dition to the sexual axis running from male to female, there is the sex- ual choice axis running from consistently choosing a partner of the op- posite sex to consistently choosing one of the same sex. This is the axis of Dr. Kinsey's famous six-point scale of sexual choice. The third variable is that of gender or of what I like to call "preferred gender role." This axis runs from the classically masculine to the classically feminine role.